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Martinez, CA DUI Lawyer
The city of Martinez, CA has an approximate population of 36,700.
The Martinez Police Department is located at 525 Henrietta Street. Martinez PD is comprised of 58 Employees (Sworn and Civilian). The “Patrol Division” of Martinez PD consists of two Lieutenants, four Sergeants (watch commanders), four Corporals and seventeen Officers. The patrol officers are generally involved with DUI stops, investigations, and arrests.
DUI Enforcement
The Martinez Police Department makes approximately 110 DUI arrests annually. Patrol officers work a 3/12 (3 days/12 hours per day) shift plan in a variety of patrol assignments. Martinez police cars are equipped with two-way radios and mobile data computers that are linked to the Department’s Dispatch System. A saturated area within which DUI arrests are commonly made is in downtown Martinez. This was evidenced by a 12/20/2013 DUI checkpoint set up by the Police Department in the 1000 block of Escobar Street. This is likely due to the presence of 5 bars adjacent to Escobar Street and Main Street in downtown Martinez. Another saturated area is Alhambra Avenue, an intersection which is an artery between Highway 4 and downtown Martinez, again evidenced by a May 17, 2013 DUI checkpoint.
Martinez police officers generally administer a combination of National High Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) field sobriety tests (One Leg Stand, Walk and Turn, and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus) and non-standardized tests (e.g. finger to nose, ABCs forwards and backwards, etc.). A Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS test) is, as the name denotes, by design a preliminary screening device that officers use to conduct roadside breath testing. While it is designed as a preliminary test intended as a further field sobriety tests, officers will commonly seek to have the numeric value entered into evidence. The PAS is generally administered via a hand-held Alco-Sensor IV machine.
When Martinez PD officers believe that an individual is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, they will arrest the individual and transfer them to the Martinez Detention Facility. Once at the facility the officer will generally offer the arrestee to take a breath or blood alcohol test.
The breath alcohol testing is done on a Dräger Alco-Test 7110 MKIIIC, as is the case for all agencies in Contra Costa County. If a blood alcohol testis chosen, the arrestee’s blood will be drawn at the Martinez Detention Facility by a phlebotomist employed by Central Medical Laboratory (CML), a contract mobile laboratory collection agency. The blood sample will eventually be sent to the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Crime Laboratory for analysis.
DUI Checkpoints and Driver License Checkpoints
Martinez Police Department conducted a DUI/Driver License checkpoint on December 20, 2013 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. in the 1000 block of Escobar Street in Downtown Martinez. Checkpoints are presumably placed in locations that police believe have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence. The checkpoint was funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The grant was conceivably derived from the $21,515.00 grant that the Martinez Police Department received from the aforementioned agencies, which was provided to increase enforcement measures related to impaired driving. The December 20th DUI Checkpoint resulted in just 1 DUI arrest.
Martinez Police Department also conducted a DUI checkpoint on May 17, 2013 from the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. in the 3700 block of Alhambra Avenue. Of the 600 vehicles that passed through the checkpoint, there was 1 DUI arrest and 1 arrest for drunk in public/disorderly conduct.
Joint Operations
The California Office of Traffic safety provided a $135,000.00 grant to be administered by the Office of the Sherriff, which will go towards funding the “Avoid the 25 DUI Task Force.” The task force will utilize the grant to concentrate on increased DUI enforcement and education throughout Contra Costa County. The life of the grant runs from October 1, 2013 until September 30, 2014. The task force is comprised of 25 participating agencies, as the name suggests, including the Martinez Police Department.
Underage Drinking
Martinez Police Officers and California Alcoholic Beverage Control agents have cited clerks for selling alcohol to minors as well as to adults who purchase alcohol for minors. As recently as November 14th and 15th of 2013 the officers and agents engaged in sting operations known as Minor Decoy Operation and Decoy Shoulder Tap Operation. The Minor Decoy Operation involves minors who work under the direct supervision of department agents and officers. Decoy Shoulder Tap Operation targets adults who purchase alcohol for people under 21 years of age. During the Direct Shoulder Tap Operation, a minor, acting under the direct supervision of a peace officer, will stand outside a liquor or convenience store and ask patrons to buy them alcohol.
Funding for the aforementioned operations is provided by a grant from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control through the department’s Grant Assistance Program.
Public Intoxication
The Martinez Police Department generally engages in proactive enforcement of drunk in public violations resulting in criminal citations.
More Information
Local Blog: https://live-patch-fe.pantheonsite.io/california/martinez
After years of experience in Contra Costa County, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Johnson & Johnson have gained a great deal of information and knowledge regarding the DUI enforcement operations of the Martinez Police Department. Contact our office to schedule a consultation today at (925) 900-5330 to discuss how we can help defend you from a DUI arrest by the Martinez Police Department.
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